"I'd seen Pete for a good number of years in Tokyo, but got to experience Pete's knowledge firsthand in 2010. I was on the verge of turning 50 years old and my Life Scout sons wanted to do the Philmont Trek in New Mexico. In January 2010, I was weighing in at 242 lbs, the most I ever weighed. After talking with Pete, he gave me a plan and kept a watchful eye on me as I progressed. By the end of JUNE I was 221. Dropped to 209 while on the 78 mile Trek and stabilized in the 2teens. Pete's encouragement kept me focused and the core training prevented me from getting hurt!!!...Now my sons want to do another Trek this summer. Maybe this time I'll be under 200 at the end...THANKS PETE"
DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.
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