Mark Smith

I’ve really enjoyed my regular training with Pete.  At the very beginning of our training, Pete made a high level assessment, looking at my posture, walking, balance, strength and flexibility.  He understands the human body well and starts with the basics.  I find this focus on posture, flexibility and strength particularly useful.  Pete is a pleasure to spend time with and makes training fun.  Although occasionally, it can be a more challenging workout, I’m always surprised by how well I feel afterwards and how my body feels it the next day.  As we age we all need to ensure we are taking care of ourselves.  Pete’s training is now an essential part of my self care.


Mark Ocock

I was introduced to Pete by a colleague who assured me that he can deliver results. Pete has certainly not disappointed. I am now stronger, fitter and I just generally look much better than before thanks to his unrivalled enthusiasm and energy.

Pete starts with the basics before then showing you a whole toolbox of training methods and techniques that can be used daily either at home or in the gym. I am now far more aware how my body works and functions and the daily maintenance that needs to be done to keep things running smoothly. Due to his wealth of experience he is very knowledgeable and takes the time to explain everything in detail and he also has plenty of stories to keep you smiling whilst you train!

Pete genuinely cares about his clients and training with him is both fun and rewarding. I would highly recommend him to all as he is very flexible and will create a program that tailors to your specific needs which then helps you develop better choices and habits to continue with your new healthy lifestyle for many years to come.

Satoshi Ishizaka

I have been working with leaders of more than 100 big companies as a corporate leadership trainer and an executive coach over the past 5 years. So I talk in front of many smart people as their teacher almost every day. That requires a lot of energy. Also, as my hobby, I regularly teach some martial arts. That requires a lot of energy and fitness too. Although I may look fit and strong in the eyes of my clients, in reality, however, I have also had a lot of physical challenges such as chronic lower back pain, frozen shoulders and stiffness all over my body.  Even if I could pretend to look fit, I could not lie to myself when my body was super stiff, in pain and prone to get further injuries.   As I was always stiff, all my past attempts to keep stretching did not work. The reality of my stiff and painful body was stronger than my will power. For my body, lifting weights and doing martial arts were more natural so I could keep doing them with pleasure. But when it came to stretching, my body simply did not cooperate. It was like a steel plate. I needed some professional help from a really experienced coach who could help me break through my life-long stiffness issue. So I decided to take up stretching lessons with Pete. What’s most encouraging for me is that Pete is older than me yet much more flexible and much fitter than I am. If I see a younger person who is more flexible and fitter, I would just think it is absolutely normal and understandable. But when I see such an energetic, fitter, healthier and flexible older person like Pete, I feel very encouraged and hopeful for myself. Pete can show us a lot of ways and tools to stretch which we can apply in our daily life, simply by using something around us at home or at work. There are a lot of ways to stretch when you are just sitting in a chair or walking or standing or leaning on the wall or playing with a ball or just lying in bed etc. Also, Pete always reminds me of the importance of daily stretching and continuation of it in a very encouraging manner. To keep the motivation to stretch fresh and strong is a very important success factor and I find Pete is excellent at keeping us motivated. After a few months of my regular sessions with Pete, I am definitely getting more flexible and most importantly, stretching has become a part of my daily regimen now. If you are like me who could feel like 25 years old only if your stiff body, lower back pain and/or shoulder pain etc did not remind you of your real age, I highly recommend you to give stretching a higher priority in your life by taking up lessons with Pete. He will show you how to become as young as you really are!

James Lawden

"I have been training with Pete for over 20 years, on and off, though Pete never seems to get any older. When I returned to Tokyo this year after 7 years away Pete was the natural choice as trainer. 20 years ago the focus was on strength but now I am a senior member also on stretching and flexibility. Pete is very creative, 20 years ago he had me running up and down to the squash courts in the Old TAC Sports building 20 times to finish off a class, now he can find any space or equipment to create some form of exercise (torture). He also taught me to swim properly. And all done with a great sense of humour." I highly reccommend Pete is you are serious about your health and regaining your fitness and functionality. 



Before I started working out with Pete I had gotten progressively stiffer and weaker. Multiple joint injuries and surgery’s had weakened me and my flexibility was almost non existent. I couldn’t decide whether to laugh or cry when Pete wanted me to put my leg up on a bar and stretch! Practically impossible. In addition, I had put on a lot of weight and just continually made bad food choices. I was discouraged and tired and in lousy shape. Pete was completely hands on. He didn’t tell me what to do and then wander off. He set each machine for me, stood there and encouraged me or corrected my form. He was completely interactive. He didn’t just focus on the exercises. He listened to what my concerns were, he made dietary suggestions and he constantly encouraged me without ever being critical. I’ll be honest, in the beginning I kind of dreaded my sessions because I was so bad at everything, then one day and got there and Pete told me to get my foot up on that stupid bar, and I COULD!!! I hadn’t even seen the progress I was making at first! After that, my attitude kept improving and with it, my mobility! Pete doesn’t lump everyone into the same mold. He took into account my personal history, my age, previous injuries and even the mood I was in. He pushed me to do things I didn’t believe I could do, but only ever in a positive way! I can’t even express the different in my life from when I first started working with Pete until now. I had to have a knee replacement surgery, but after the surgery, I was able to use the things Pete taught me to rock rehab. I’ve lost 50 lbs. and I feel like a completely different person! Pete’s whole person approach to training, nutrition and everything else was an inspiration! I couldn’t have done it without him!

Nicholas Eftimiades

I remember the first day when Pete took some measurements, had me do some movements, and then showed me how my back posture was slightly off. Within a few days the pain was gone. This single point of instruction relieved three years of lower back pain. I was amazed. It was something neither doctors nor physical therapists had detected. The training experience with Pete was extraordinary. He has decades of experience and knowledge and that really shows in his work. His training is personalized to age, lifestyle, and personal physical fitness goals. Pete helped me invest in myself. I know I will live a longer and healthier life thanks to him.

Kyle Murphy

I have worked with Pete in the past. He taught  me to swim at age 58! So, he can teach an old Marine new tricks!

Now am working with him again at age 73 and my body does not move as it should. I could have gone back in the gym and started weight training etc. However, I spoke with Pete and he recommended a more systemic approach. After an initial evaluation we started a stretching program with a slow reintroduction to weight training. Slow but sure. May not sound like much but it is exhausting as muscles and joints, which have not been used much lately, are woke up and being used again. I am walking better and more importantly without pain.

I wholeheartedly recommend Pete. He is helping me as I am sure he is helping others.

Frank D Hart

Peter has been instrumental in getting me off the couch and back into training again. At the age of 75 my body had relaxed to a slouch , walking with a walking stick and breathing was difficult if I walked anywhere. 
Pete has helped me , inspired me to get to the gym regularly and has slowly stretched me out in the past three months that I’m now walking without a stick, my stance is more upright , regained my breathing and my voice is stronger.
Pete is a great communicator at the gym and away from it inspiring me to continue my exercises and has got me back to my favorite sport - swimming.
I’m really enjoying the challenge and with Pete’s helpful persistence & assistance has helped me enjoy sports again and lifted me up to a higher level of fitness. Many thanks for that Pete. I highly recommend Pete Carey if your over 60 particularly and want to improve your fitness lifestyle and live longer he’s your man.


DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program. 

Chad Rowan (Akebono Taro) World Famous Sumo Champion

I’ve known Pete for many years.  He works out at one of the gyms I train at.  I have seen him train many clients.  His sessions are very demanding but you can also see the results.  He is always looking for a new challenge.  He has helped me in many ways with my training and given me a lot of useful advice.  It doesn’t matter what your fitness level is Pete will motivate, educate, and inspire you to reach your goal.   I highly recommend TheFitnessCode to anyone that is serious about their health.  Thanks Pete!

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Paul Bailey

Pete’s warm ups are more of a work out then most people’s entire workout. He gets the heart rate evaluated and the body stretched and then moves into high gear. When he says “this exercise doesn’t look like much but is effective” you can believe him. He’ll give you a seemingly simple movement without using external weights and after a few repetitions the area being exercised will begin to feel the burn. These techniques are easy to replicate at home or on the road if you don’t have access to a gym. I’ve been working out with Pete for 1.5 years, and I’ve lost several kilos while increasing stamina, strength and flexibility. You’ll learn the correct techniques for lifting free weights and of other gym equipment like medicine balls, Swiss balls, TRX Strap, bands, and the foam roller. You’ll also be instructed in polymerics, core, stability, balance and strength training. And you learn a whole array of planking methods that greatly increase core strength and target specific parts of the body, which I can assure you I needed. If you are serious about changing your life and becoming in tune with your body then I highly recommend Pete to get you there.

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Robert Hogan

I have been training with Pete since September 2008. Since I am a runner from way back aerobic capacity and lower body strength are not so much
of a problem for me but I wanted to improve my flexibility, balance and upper body strength. Pete has done a very nice job of crafting a program for me and showing me
new areas and circuits I would never discover on my own. I must say once or twice I have gotten too enthusiastic in our sessions and strained
some muscle or other but Pete has always listened and adapted the program to reflect. Also I live in a world with very little American culture in it.
A weekly session with Pete, an American and former marine, helps me reconnect with many American things I would otherwise never hear about.

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Philip Greenan

Improving fitness and reducing weight were my goals when I started with Pete. The key to progress is my motivation level, raising and maintaining it at a high level. With motivation comes discipline and action, which leads to progress. Pete and I have established great personal chemistry. His instruction and advice have built up my motivation, and I have made major progress in the last 5 months. I can do exercises now that I never imagined I could….. my wife says I feel like a different man when she hugs me !! I highly recommend Pete, he has made a huge difference to my fitness and help me shed a lot of unwanted pounds.

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Andrew Turner

Before I met Pete I had been working with other trainers. Not being someone who likes working out and unable to exercise alone I began using a Personal Trainer after a knee operation in 2001. Unfortunately I didn't meet Pete until 2008 and for the previous 7 years had worn a knee support almost constantly. Within a few weeks of working with Pete my brace was off and I was exercising without any supports for the first time since the operation. He worked on my balance, core strength and muscle tone. Pete has a different approach to fitness and I not only found myself becoming fitter but wanting to train and exercise. This had never been the case previously.
My time in Tokyo came to an end in 2010 and I miss my training sessions with Pete but 2 years later I'm not wearing a brace and still keeping fit.

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Jake Moore

I worked with Pete for the two years that I was in Tokyo in the gym and the pool. Starting out with strength training for the first time, Pete was an ideal coach. We worked hard on core conditioning and I went from not be able to do more than a few sit ups to doing a 20 minute abs workout ending with 100 sit ups. We started strength training with lighter weights and high reps. After a few months adding in some heavy work. After two years my strength on the core strength lifts nearly doubled, I lost fat and added muscle mass. We also spent a good time in the pools. With a background in swimming I had gotten bored with swimming lengths and didn't think Pete could get me back into it. I was wrong; we did some of the toughest and most enjoyable sessions I have ever done. Thanks Pete!

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Mark Stephan

I first started training with Pete in September 2006. I had always wanted to run a marathon but would never make it through the training. I would always end up with massive shin splints or some other injury. After discussing my goal with Pete, we set out a workout schedule to allow me to complete my training injury free and thus run my first marathon. I worked out with Pete twice a week on top of my running schedule. My marathon goal was to break the 4 hour mark. Pete had me injury free and ready for my first marathon 5 months later. I ran the Tokyo Marathon in February of 2007 and my time was 3h27m.

After the marathon, I decided to continue my training with Pete. Not because he kept me injury free but because he had me feeling great overall. He worked on my flexibility, core, diet and my general well being. I actually bumped my workouts with Pete up to 3 times a week after the marathon. I kept the regiment up until I left Tokyo in November of 2008. Since this time I have not been able to find another fitness expert that is comparable to Pete and my running times and overall well being are showing the effects.

If you are truly interested in attaining a more healthy, better overall fitness and well being level then I could not recommend anyone else more highly than Pete.

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

John D Panasiewicz

"I'd seen Pete for a good number of years in Tokyo, but got to experience Pete's knowledge firsthand in 2010. I was on the verge of turning 50 years old and my Life Scout sons wanted to do the Philmont Trek in New Mexico. In January 2010, I was weighing in at 242 lbs, the most I ever weighed. After talking with Pete, he gave me a plan and kept a watchful eye on me as I progressed. By the end of JUNE I was 221. Dropped to 209 while on the 78 mile Trek and stabilized in the 2teens. Pete's encouragement kept me focused and the core training prevented me from getting hurt!!!...Now my sons want to do another Trek this summer. Maybe this time I'll be under 200 at the end...THANKS PETE"

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Sean McDonough

I have known Pete Carey for nearly 10 years. I think he is the best personal trainer in Tokyo. He has a no-nonsense approach and helps clients achieve their goals. It is that simple. I lost a lot of weight, got stronger and ran a marathon with the help of Pete. I think his functional training is also quite helpful and we were able to fine tune a program that targeted results for golf specific goals. Even if you are busy, if you want to work with a trainer where you will get a great return on your investment and get in shape fast call Pete.

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Mark Chambre

Pete will work around injuries, medical conditions and existing levels of fitness to maximize your sessions as he slowly builds up your cardiovascular and muscle conditioning. Pete promotes an all around approach to fitness that includes core strength training, proper breath techniques and flexibility. Regardless of your personal starting point, weight, limberness or age you will improve. Part of the training takes place in a gym where he teaches the correct technique in lifting, stretching, and isometric training. Part of the training takes place out doors where he mixes innovative core strengthening techniques that always keeps the workout interesting. These outdoor sessions take place in a unique environment where you have military Blackhawk and Apache helicopters as backdrop. With Pete you get your moneys worth in fitness and knowledge. My personal results in the first six months include losing 20 pounds while gaining muscle mass; losing 2+ inches in waste size; and less visible tangibles include cultivating joint integrity and stability while improving mobility and general functionality for knees that have had surgery.

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Rob Keay

I thoroughly recommend Pete to anyone who is serious about getting into shape. Its not always the easiest of training sessions but the results speak for themselves. The pain is only temporary.

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Michael Campbell

I have been training with Pete for about 8 months now and I have gone a long way to improving my posture, learning to walk in a straight line and generally upping my level of fitness and stamina. I have really enjoyed training with Pete and have got into a solid routine which has given me confidence to take my own initiative and do other things such as workouts in the pool on a regular basis. I started training with Pete to counter stress and I would certainly recommend Pete to anyone needing help establishing a program of physical exercise in order to balance other aspects of busy lifestyles in Tokyo. I hope that over time I will become disciplined enough to keep exercising by myself on a regular basis so that I can maintain my current level of fitness - if I can achieve this, then my time with Pete will have been very well spent time indeed.

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Phillip Spatz

In the 10th grade I was chosen to play on my high school varsity basketball team, which led to trouble with knee and wrist pain. I decided to re-think my approach towards physical fitness. Pete seemed like the perfect solution with all his qualifications and experience. Six years and a healthy pair of wrists and knees later I still train with Pete. This might be partly due to his open and social nature but I mainly attribute this to his ability to adapt to my constantly changing training needs whether it is in regards to nutrition, weights, stretching or vague questions like which exercises to do in order to get the Brad Pitt body in Troy. Anyone interested in living a more enriched, healthier life should get on board with Pete and The Fitness Code.

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Graham Cunningham

Core, structure, function - words I have learned a lot about since I have been training with The Fitness Code. My body shape has altered significantly in the last six months and I feel so much stronger. Its not just a feeling either. I ran the Tokyo marathon this year and, in previous marathons I have required at least a week of recovery. This one took me 2 days. This is solely due to the training I have received from The Fitness Code. The training has also equipped me with exercises that I can do almost anywhere and anytime, meaning I have not just become fit, I have also learned how to stay fit for the rest of my life. I have no reservations about recommending Pete Carey and The Fitness Code to anyone interested in leading an energetic and successful life.

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Daniel Delhomme

"I've been training with Pete since June 2009, and he has introduced me to a different way of training, not focusing on gym work or lifting weights. Starting with an assessment of posture and gait, he works on core fitness, joint stability, flexibility and balance, then adds strength and endurance training to each session. It's as demanding as you want it to be and Pete is a great motivator who always gets you through the sessions. 'It only hurts while your doing it' is one of Pete's favorite lines! I highly recommend Pete, and it wasn't until I started training with him that I truly understood the value of a good Personal Trainer."

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Philip Kneipp

"I have been training with Shotgun Pete since July 2009. He was recommended to me from highly credible sources and has not disappointed. The Fitness Code, which Pete has lived for so many years, has completely changed the way I train, and the way I view training. The time and effort that he commits to each individual session is outstanding. After every session I feel as though I have reached a new level, or achieved a goal. He is a man of tremendous character and is highly respected. I would recommend The Fitness Code to anyone who is committed."

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Eugene Kyim

"I trained with Peter for 3 years in Tokyo, and during that time I was not only able to reduce my body fat from 20% to 12%, but also measurably improved my swimming technique, something which I had wanted to do for a long time. I found Pete to be an excellent fitness trainer (and swim coach), always ready with a good mix of tough encouragement and humour. I enjoyed training with him immensely and would recommend anyone thinking about it to stop thinking and start training with him! My only regret now is that I am no longer in Tokyo and able to benefit from Peter's direct hands-on training. I also really appreciated Pete's willingness to adapt the training to my challenging work and travel schedule."

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Karl Hutchinson

"After several years of an off-and-on exercise program on my own, I decided to bring Pete on to provide some direction and discipline. Over the course of a few months I lost over 10 pounds and my energy level improved considerably. Pete got me into the pool, fixed my stroke, and started me on a grueling but rewarding swim workout regime to complement the resistance training routines that he designed for me. Pete will push you but will always make it fun; he's a very positive can-do guy who genuinely cares about all his clients."

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Shawn E. O'Hara

"I trained with Pete in Tokyo for almost 3 years. Without question he is one of the best fitness trainers I have ever met. Under his watchful eye, I was my most fit those three years. I took weight training, sculpting and strengthening, and swimming lessons from him. We met three times a week and every time I had a challenging and fulfilling workout. But he is the type of trainer who believes in life style change for life - so he still keeps in touch. Two moves and 5 years later, he is still encouraging me to exercise, stay healthy and eat right. He is my inspiration and motivation on those ‘tough’ days at the gym. I am lucky to have this type of support and it has allowed me to continue to be very active, golfing, skiing, hiking, biking and keeping up with my little nieces! If you have the chance to work with Pete or use his products, I highly recommend you take advantage of the opportunity!"

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Jamie Slaymaker

"I have been training with Pete for approximately 4 years now and in that time I have managed to go from 117kg to 82kg and complete two triathlons with another three planned over the next five months. Thanks to Pete's endless enthusiasm and knowledge base I have managed to completely alter my lifestyle, eating, and training regime so that I am now in the best shape of my life. Pete's wide variety of expertise has also allowed me to branch out into other fitness areas that I would never have previously considered such as swimming and functional training. All in all I can't think of a better coach to help you make advances in your training whether an overweight beginner (such as I was) or as a seasoned athlete."

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.

Nick Cederwell

"I started seeing Pete Carey about a year ago after having experienced lower back problems. I had basically slipped a disc in my lower back several times over the last 6 years and wanted to rectify the problem once and for all. The emphasis was on strengthening my lower back muscles, and overall core body strengthening through plyometric exercises and functional training, as well as stretching. I can honestly say that I haven't had a problem with my back since seeing Pete. My overall fitness levels have improved immensely over the last 12 months and my metabolic rate has increased. I also find I am much less susceptible to small niggly injuries. His sessions are hard but rewarding and motivating. I also have become much more self-motivated and recenly I completed a 100 kilometer hike up and down a mountain."

DISCLAIMER: The following are all unpaid testimonials of clients who have trained with Pete Carey's The Fitness Code. There is No guarantee of specific results and that the results can vary of your personal training according to each individuals program.